This is the new
chapter, the first day in January 2019. I have thought so much, what is my
goals in this new year? But before I start it, I will manage myself. Rearrange
and reset my insecurity. And the question, where should I start?? Because I
thought sometimes we can be so complicated.
So far as I remember,, I was always looking for a happiness. We
were looking for the happiness. We tried everything to find it, how to get it.
But, then I thought that there was no parameter of happiness itself. Happiness
is very very relative. So I will stop looking for a happiness, I will create
it. Make a happiness on my own way.
Second thing that I should set on my mind since now and then,,
never ever ever compare everything on my life with the others. Everybody is
different, unique and special. We have no similar on mindset, skill, financial,
passion and others. So comparing ourself with the others is big fault,
especially just by their social media. It’s WORSE.
Next, thing that I should remember and practice is,,, keep
positive. This is the big medicine for ourself when we get down and sad. Being
positive can give a power and hope. It will help us to face this up and down
life. Try try and try, you will get it.
Being productive is another highligth. I should spend my time to do
usefull thing. I thought, I had a lot time just for had fun and made myself
cozy on my save zone. And this year, I really really want to create something
usefull. For example, I really want writing seriously in this blog (also have
so many to do list on my journal, don’t write here). I should push myself for
being productive with fun way.
And last, I think.. we should always be grateful. Thankfull for
everything what happen in our life. It gives us lessons, experiences and power.
With grateful, we can be happier.
So guys, maybe that’s all things that I should remember, start and
practice. I really hope, what I have written here can be a motivation (at
least, for myself) to face this new year. Oneday in the middle of twenty
nineteen or maybe when I get bad time, when I read this post again, I can get
the spirit of this new start. Can get reminder to manage myself. And if you
have some advices, I’d love to know it. Just leave at the comment box below 😉
Thank you for your attention, for reading this post. And with hug
and kisses, have an awesome new year ❤